Ayurveda, the Science of Life

Ayurveda looks at the total of you - your sleep, diet, exercise, daily habits etc to find the imbalance causing your health issues or concerns . Unlike western medicine, Ayurveda works on the principle of imbalances, which often manifest before a disease shows up, making it an excellent preventative medicine.

Western Medical talks about disease, Ayurveda looks at imbalances of the 3 Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha within us.

Ayurveda uses the 5 element theory to explain the functions of the body, and when the functions are not working properly imbalances are created, also resulting in disease.

The 3 Doshas

Vata Dosha is composed of air, and space, which is very movable. Within the body this shows up as the movements of food through our digestive system, and our nervous system (but not only).

Pitta Dosha is composed of fire and some water, and in our body is the process of transformation (because fire transforms one thing to another). This is mostly seen in the breaking down of food into metabolic materials.

Kapha is composed of water, and earth, and in our body shows up as structure, support, and our immunity or overall strength.

 Western world has concentrated mostly on diet when discussing Ayurveda. While food is very important, Ayurveda looks at all areas of your life: sleep, digestion capabilities, purification process, mental functions, relationships, lifestyle habits etc.


When I meet you….

I will look at your tongue, take your pulse, and ask you many questions about your life. This allows me to establish the major imbalance, and we can work together, to bring you back into balance. This process is not something that happens overnight, however most people experience notable changes quite quickly (within the first few weeks).

Energy prevails everywhere and in everything, once we know how to operate within this system, everything is possible.