Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Healing Trauma with Energy Healing: Your Journey to Wholeness

Trauma has deeply impacted many of my clients' lives, leaving wounds on their minds, bodies, and spirits. However, through my practice of Energy Healing, I offer them hope for healing and transformation. Energy Healing provides a powerful pathway toward healing trauma, offering a safe and nurturing space for my clients to reclaim their sense of wholeness and vitality.

As a Spiritual Healer specializing in Energy Healing, I've seen firsthand the profound impact this modality can have on trauma recovery. Energy Healing works by tapping into the body's natural healing abilities and releasing stored emotional energy that may be trapped within the energy field. By addressing trauma at its energetic roots, my clients experience deep healing on multiple levels.

Energy Healing recognizes that trauma affects not only the mind but also the body and spirit. Through techniques such as Pranic Healing and Chakra Healing, my clients release blocked energy and restore balance to their body's energy centers. This process helps alleviate physical symptoms of trauma, such as tension, pain, and fatigue, while also promoting emotional release and spiritual growth.

One of the key benefits of Energy Healing in trauma healing is its ability to bypass the limitations of the conscious mind and access the subconscious. Trauma often resides in the subconscious, manifesting as deeply ingrained beliefs, patterns, and emotions. By working with the theta brainwave state, Energy Healing practitioners can access the subconscious mind and reprogram negative thought patterns, freeing my clients from the grip of trauma.

Trauma healing is a holistic journey that requires compassionate support and guidance. Through my practice, I provide a safe and nurturing environment for my clients to explore their trauma and embark on the path to healing. By integrating various modalities, including Energy Medicine and Energetic Healing, I offer comprehensive care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of trauma recovery.

Intuition plays a crucial role in trauma healing with Energy Healing. As an Intuitive Healer, I trust in the innate wisdom of my clients' energy fields and work collaboratively with them to uncover and release trauma stored within their bodies. Through deep listening and empathetic understanding, I support my clients in reconnecting with their inner strength and resilience.

Nature also plays a vital role in trauma healing with Energy Healing. Nature holds immense healing power, and by incorporating elements of Natural Healing into my practice, I help my clients tap into this innate wisdom and support their body's natural healing abilities. Whether through herbal remedies, outdoor therapy, or simply connecting with the natural world, nature provides a nurturing environment for healing and growth.

If you're ready to embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery, I invite you to explore the transformative power of Energy Healing. Together, we can unlock your innate healing potential and cultivate a life of joy, resilience, and empowerment.

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Discover the Nourishing Power of Kitchari: A Staple of Ayurvedic Healing

In the realm of Ayurveda, there's a revered dish known for its simplicity, nourishment, and profound healing properties – Kitchari. As an Ayurvedic practitioner, I often recommend Kitchari to my clients as a cornerstone of their healing journey, especially during our upcoming Ayurvedic cleanse from April 8th to 11th. Let's explore the wonders of this humble yet potent dish and its myriad benefits for mind, body, and spirit.

Kitchari is a traditional Ayurvedic dish made from a simple combination of rice, mung beans, and spices. While its ingredients may seem basic, Kitchari's magic lies in its ability to balance all three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – making it suitable for all body types and constitutions. This makes it an ideal choice for those seeking harmony and balance in their diet, especially during our cleanse period.

One of the key benefits of Kitchari is its ease of digestion. The combination of rice and mung beans creates a complete protein that is easily assimilated by the body, making it an excellent choice for those with sensitive digestive systems or compromised digestion. Additionally, the gentle spices used in Kitchari – such as ginger, cumin, and turmeric – help to kindle the digestive fire and support optimal digestion, aiding in the cleansing process.

Kitchari is also renowned for its detoxifying properties, making it an excellent addition to our upcoming cleanse. As a staple of Ayurvedic cleansing protocols, Kitchari helps to gently detoxify the body, removing accumulated toxins and impurities. Its warming and grounding qualities help to stoke the digestive fire and promote the elimination of waste, leaving you feeling light, refreshed, and revitalized.

Beyond its physical benefits, Kitchari also has profound effects on mental and emotional wellbeing. Its simplicity and nourishing qualities have a grounding effect on the mind, helping to calm the nervous system and promote a sense of peace and tranquility, which is especially beneficial during our cleanse period.

Preparing Kitchari is not only nourishing for the body but also for the soul. As you simmer the rice and beans with aromatic spices, you infuse the dish with love and intention, creating a meal that is not only delicious but also deeply nourishing on a spiritual level. In our fast-paced world, taking the time to prepare and savor a bowl of Kitchari can be a powerful act of self-care and mindfulness, especially as part of our cleanse from April 8th to 11th.

Whether you're looking to support digestion, detoxify the body, or simply nourish your soul, Kitchari offers a multitude of benefits for overall health and wellbeing. As we prepare for our upcoming Ayurvedic cleanse, I encourage you to embrace the nourishing power of Kitchari and experience the transformational effects it can have on your health and vitality.

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind: The Benefits of an Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse

As the seasons transition and nature awakens with the arrival of spring, it's the perfect time to embark on a journey of renewal and rejuvenation. In the ancient tradition of Ayurveda, spring is considered an opportune moment to cleanse and reset the body, allowing for a fresh start and renewed vitality. Join me, your trusted Ayurvedic practitioner, for a transformative Ayurvedic Spring Cleanse from April 8th to 11th, and experience the myriad benefits of this ancient healing practice.

Ayurveda, often referred to as the "science of life," offers a holistic approach to wellness that encompasses mind, body, and spirit. At our Ayurvedic clinic, we recognize the importance of aligning with the rhythms of nature to promote health and harmony. The arrival of spring marks a time of transition, as the heavy, stagnant qualities of winter begin to dissipate, and the lighter, more energetic qualities of spring emerge. Through Ayurvedic treatment, we can support this natural process of renewal and purification.

A spring cleanse offers numerous benefits for both physical and mental wellbeing. By eliminating accumulated toxins and impurities from the body, we can enhance digestion, boost immunity, and increase energy levels. As an Ayurvedic healer, I will guide you through a personalized cleanse protocol tailored to your unique constitution and imbalances. Through dietary adjustments, herbal remedies, and rejuvenating practices, we will support your body's natural detoxification processes and restore balance to your system.

In addition to its physical benefits, an Ayurvedic spring cleanse also offers profound mental and emotional benefits. Cleansing the body allows for the release of stored emotions and mental clutter, promoting clarity of mind and emotional balance. As we cleanse and purify the physical body, we also create space for spiritual growth and transformation. Our Ayurvedic spa offers a serene environment where you can relax, unwind, and reconnect with your innermost self.

If you're searching for an "Ayurvedic clinic near me" to support your spring cleanse journey, look no further. Our team of experienced Ayurvedic practitioners is here to provide compassionate care and expert guidance every step of the way. Whether you're new to Ayurveda or a seasoned practitioner, our spring cleanse program offers an opportunity for deep healing and rejuvenation.

As the season of renewal unfolds, seize the opportunity to nourish your body, mind, and spirit with an Ayurvedic spring cleanse. Join us from April 8th to 11th for a transformative experience that will leave you feeling refreshed, revitalized, and ready to embrace the abundance of spring. Contact us today to reserve your spot and embark on a journey of health and wellness with Ayurveda.

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Harnessing the Power of Energy Healing: A Journey to Wellness

Are you seeking profound transformation and inner peace? Look no further than the realm of Energy Healing. As a Spiritual Healer specializing in Energy Healing, I am excited to guide you on a transformative journey towards holistic wellness.

Energy Healing is a powerful modality that taps into the theta brainwave state, allowing for deep healing and alignment on multiple levels – physical, emotional, and spiritual. Through the utilization of theta brainwave frequencies, practitioners like myself facilitate healing by accessing the subconscious mind and reprogramming limiting beliefs and negative patterns.

One of the remarkable aspects of Energy Healing is its versatility. Whether you're drawn to Pranic Healing, Chakra Healing, or simply seeking a holistic approach to wellness, Energy Healing can adapt to meet your unique needs. By channeling universal energy, Energy Healing practitioners facilitate sessions that promote balance, vitality, and rejuvenation.

In today's fast-paced world, finding skilled Healers Near Me can be a challenge. However, with Energy Healing, distance is no barrier. Through remote sessions, I offer personalized, transformative care to clients worldwide. Whether you're in my local community or across the globe, I am here to support your healing journey.

As a Holistic Healer, I understand the importance of addressing the root causes of imbalance. That's why I integrate various modalities, including Energy Medicine and Energetic Healing, to provide comprehensive care that nurtures your entire being. By treating the body, mind, and spirit as interconnected aspects of wellness, I empower you to experience profound healing and growth.

At the heart of Energy Healing lies intuition – the guiding force that allows me to connect deeply with your energy and facilitate healing from a place of compassion and understanding. As an Intuitive Healer, I trust in the wisdom of your soul and work collaboratively with you to uncover and release blockages that hinder your wellbeing.

Nature holds immense healing power, and as a proponent of Natural Healing, I incorporate herbal remedies and ancient healing techniques into my practice. By aligning with the rhythms of nature, we can restore balance and vitality to your life in harmony with the natural world.

Whether you're seeking relief from physical ailments, emotional turmoil, or simply yearning for spiritual connection, Energy Healing offers a pathway to wholeness. As an experienced Energy Healing Practitioner and Energy Worker, I am committed to supporting you on your journey towards optimal health and vitality.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative journey of healing and self-discovery? Contact me today to schedule an Energy Healing session and experience the profound benefits of this remarkable modality. Together, we'll unlock your innate healing potential and cultivate a life of abundance, joy, and wellbeing.

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Therapeutic Massage For Neck, Back, and Shoulder Pain.

In my journey as a massage therapist and healer, I've come to realize the profound impact that skilled touch can have on alleviating neck, shoulder, and back pain. People often seek solace in my hands, drawn to the comfort and relief they find on my massage table. It's a privilege to witness the transformative power of intuitive and integrative massage techniques as they work wonders for my clients' well-being.

Navigating the maze of massage places can be daunting, but finding a professional massage therapist who understands the intricate needs of your body is crucial. With a simple search for "massage near me," the path to relief becomes clear, guiding you to a sanctuary where healing begins.

Integrative massage techniques form the cornerstone of my practice, allowing me to tailor each session to address the unique concerns of my clients. By blending modalities like Swedish, deep tissue, myofascial release, and trigger point therapy, I create a personalized treatment plan that targets the root cause of discomfort while nurturing the body's innate ability to heal.

However, what truly sets my approach apart is the deep connection forged between myself and my clients. Through attentive listening and a keen sense of intuition, I'm able to tune into their body's subtle cues, guiding me towards areas of tension that require extra care and attention. This intuitive bond not only enhances the effectiveness of the massage but also fosters a sense of trust and relaxation, allowing my clients to fully surrender to the healing process.

The benefits of massage extend far beyond physical relief; they encompass a profound sense of well-being that permeates mind, body, and spirit. Clients often leave my studio feeling lighter and more uplifted, with a renewed sense of vitality that stays with them for days to come.

So, the next time you find yourself grappling with neck, shoulder, or back pain, know that relief is within reach. Seek out a professional massage therapist who offers intuitive and integrative techniques, and allow yourself to experience the transformative power of healing touch. Your body will thank you, and your spirit will rejoice in the newfound freedom from pain.

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Welcome to Healing is Allowed

Welcome to Healing is Allowed - Your Oasis of Tranquility in Barnstable, MA

Are you searching for "massage therapists near me" or "massage places near me" in the Barnstable, Massachusetts area? Look no further! Healing is Allowed is your go-to destination for a sublime massage experience that caters to your every need. Our licensed massage therapists are here to provide a wide range of services, ensuring that you leave our sanctuary feeling relaxed, rejuvenated, and completely satisfied.

Our Expert Massage Therapists in Barnstable, MA

At Healing is Allowed, we take immense pride in our team of skilled massage therapists. With years of experience, our therapists specialize in delivering the perfect blend of relaxation and muscle relief. We understand that each client is unique, and we tailor our massage therapy services to address your specific concerns. Whether you're seeking nourishment, pampering, relief from muscle pain and tension, or assistance with emotional stress, we have you covered.

The Best Massage Places in Barnstable

Our reputation as one of the best massage places in Barnstable is built on the quality of our service and the ambiance of our healing sanctuary. The moment you step into our serene environment, you'll be enveloped in a soothing atmosphere that promotes relaxation and tranquility. Our goal is to create a haven where you can escape the stresses of daily life and focus on your well-being.

A Wide Range of Massage Services

Healing is Allowed offers a diverse range of massage therapy services to cater to your unique needs:

Swedish Massage: Ideal for relaxation and stress relief. Deep Tissue Massage: Targets muscle pain and tension. Trigger Point Therapy: Specialized treatment for trigger points. Myofascial Release Therapy: Effective for chronic pain and mobility issues. Trauma Massage Therapy: Dedicated support for emotional stress. Experienced Independent Massage Therapist

If you're looking for an independent massage therapist in Barnstable, our skilled practitioners are here to guide you on your wellness journey. We take a holistic approach to massage therapy, understanding that physical and emotional well-being are interconnected. Our certified massage therapists near Barnstable are committed to helping you achieve balance and harmony in your life.

Local Massage Places for Your Convenience

Convenience matters, which is why we're one of the most accessible local massage places in Barnstable, MA. Our central location ensures that you can easily find us when you're searching for "massage service near me." We believe that self-care should be within reach for everyone, and our team is dedicated to making your experience as enjoyable as possible.

Massage Therapy for Back Pain and More

If you're suffering from back pain or any other physical discomfort, our massage therapy for back pain is designed to provide you with relief. Our therapists have extensive experience in addressing musculoskeletal issues, helping you regain your mobility and vitality.

Discover the Healing Power of Massage

Massage therapy isn't just about physical benefits; it's also about nourishing your emotional well-being. Our trauma massage therapy near Barnstable provides a safe space for you to release emotional stress and find inner peace. Our therapists are trained to create a compassionate and healing environment, allowing you to process and heal from trauma.

Book Your Appointment Today

Don't wait to experience the magic of Healing is Allowed. Whether you're seeking relaxation, muscle relief, or emotional support, our licensed massage therapists are ready to assist you. When you search for "massage therapists near me" or "massage places near me," make sure to include us on your list of top choices.

Visit Healing is Allowed in Barnstable, Massachusetts, and discover the difference that expert massage therapy can make in your life. Book your appointment now and embark on a journey of relaxation, healing, and well-being with us.

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Ayurveda and 5 elements - How Nature Manifests in our bodies? 

Ayurveda teaches us the science behind being. It uses the 5 elements theory to do so. You might have heard of them before: Air, Space, Fire, Water, Earth. Its the idea that everything in nature is composed of these 5 elements. And everything in our body is represented by these qualities as well. 

So we use nature to explain what is happening within us, while we also use nature and its natural rhythms to bring balance into our lives. 

From these 5 elements, 3 groups are forms - we call them Doshas - maybe you have heard of them before as well? They are called Vata, Pitta and Kapha. 

Vata Dosha is mostly composed of air, and space. In our body it represents the things that move. Our Nervous system and our Digestion system for example. 

Pitta Dosha is mostly composed of fire, and some water. In our bodies it represents things that are being transformed - like a fire does. So your metabolism, and digestion in the sense of the acute digestion happening vs the whole digestive system and its movement. Pita is more in charge of breaking down the foods and transforming them into nutrition in our bodies. 

Kapha Dosha is mostly composed of water and earth. I feel heavy just writing these words. It's the solidity and structure of our bodies. Also our viability, strength, and immune system. Things that sustain and compose us. 

While these doshas represent the underlying activities within our bodies, they also explain to us when things are “out of sorts” or “out of whack”. Aka when we feel anxious, it's the nervous system that is most likely out of balance. We would say, its a vata imbalance. So what do you do? The qualities of vata are air and space. So you use the  opposite qualities of heaviness and grounding to bring balance to the nervous system. Think heavier foods, oil massages, meditation, less screen time (movement) etc. 

So Ayurveda can teach us about our bodies and minds and the functions within it, taking into consideration nature and how it operates. I think its pretty cool. What do you think? 

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Food is to be ENJOYED!

Whatever you are about to eat, take time to really enjoy it. Feel it fill all of your senses, nourish all of your cells. Appreciate how it got to your table, all the people that were part of the process - the farmers, the delivery workers, grocery store employees, and then yourself! Give gratitude, and enjoy! 

PS! It takes a few minutes for your stomach to really appreciate you are full, so try to sit for a few minutes to let it soak in. Instead of getting straight up. This was one of the hardest things for me to learn. I was such a - eat, and get up and do something else right away - kind of person. Can you relate? Or eat while doing something else. I’m all about maximizing my time, people! I have stuff to do and places to go! :)

The drawback of that was that I never really felt full, or nourished - you know that feeling where you just feel happy in all cells of your body. Yeah, if you never take TIME to enjoy your meals or quiet moments in life in general, you don't give your body a moment to process everything that just happened. So do yourself a favor and slow down when you eat!

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

Art of Listening

As part of an assignment for something, I was contemplating what is my greatest gift? Wow, what a question, right? My answer came in the form of this short poem:

The art of listening is not the goal to master

Art of hearing, maybe even being, is the gift to conquer

This is my greatest gift. To show up for YOU. 

To be really present for you, to listen, hear, and then to see/feel/intuit what works best for YOU.

In all my years in the healing arts, the thing I hear most from my clients is - “How did you know?” I just do, you told me, I just listened. Not just with my ears, but with my whole being. When I show up, I show up for YOU. Are you ready to be seen? To be supported in becoming your most amazing self in life? Get in touch via the Get in Touch page to see how I could support YOU the best on YOU journey!

Inspired by a poem by Elizbeeh Bishop - “One Art” - one of my favorite poems in the world https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/47536/one-art

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

How to Work with the Spring Blues

Spring is the hardest season for me. I have what we call a Vata Kapha constitution. That means I have lots of air in my system-hello, spacyness, forgetting things, and doing 300 things at the same time. At the same time I also have a lot of water, and earth elements in me (Kapha).
In the spring the cold, wet weather tends to bring me down. Like a lot. I can feel depressed, heavy, like I JUST DON'T have any energy to do ANYTHING!
So I have to work against it. Here are my top 3 springtime health tips:
1.Get some exercise-preferably first thing in the am. Yoga, walking, jumping up and down, dancing. Anything. Do something, and you will be rewarded 100%
2.Dry brusing, exfoliating, body scrub. Whatever you can do. Stimulate your circulation. Get that earth, and water moving. You will feel amazing!
3. Only eat when I'm hungry! And in less quantity then I was used to a month ago! Sometimes its twice a day, sometimes 3 times. And drink warm hot/water through the day.

To get you personalized health regimen click on the Get in Touch tab! Looking forward to connecting, and aligning you with YOU!

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Riina Chaplow Riina Chaplow

To my Fellow Eastern Europeans.

A short description of what you might be feeling, and what to do about it. Written with love.

Like me you probably have been feeling frozen. All the trauma from our past suddenly flooding forward. I want to tell you, you are not alone in this. We all feel this way, and as Brene Brown says, the less you talk about it, the more you have it (not a direct quote).

After many days of feeling numb, unsure how to answer....how to react, how to reply to messages from friends inquiring how I am...I was finally able to fall into the feeling that has been underlying in my body.

Shock, sadness, grief. I believe this to be the unprocessed trauma from our ancestors. Most of us have horrible stories about deportation, loss of home, loss of loved ones, years of oppression, unable to speak or even think our mind within our.

I also believe this to be a chance to process this ancestral trauma. It's our chance to do something for those who lived through it, who took on the burden of experiencing those horrendous things, and lived and maybe even died during those regimes. Or were unable and unaware to process them. It's our chance, gift to process it for them. Bring them to your heart - see them for who they were - courageous souls who came to bring you life, to pave the path for your liberation and freedom.

I don't know about you, but I have hidden away the horrendous stories...sure I have heard them, and maybe even told them to others when asked. But have I really felt it....seen the suffering for what it was? Acknowledge their sacrifice....while understanding it was their path, and they were "happy" to do it. See them for their courage, bravery.

As ancestral theory says we hold that trauma in our bodies. See if you can allow yourself to feel into it. Feel it, and release it. It just wants to be seen, acknowledged and released. Bow to those who came before you, and then set them free. Set us all free.

Seek out a friend, a healer, a therapist, a massage therapist, anyone who you feel safe with to hold or create that space for you. If you feel strong enough you can certainly do it by yourself. On a quiet moment, when you know you have enough time to feel into it. Meditate, do some breathing practices, practice some gentle yoga. Whatever works for you. But also, don't be afraid to reach out. We are stronger together, and you don't need to do this alone. You are not alone.

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