Therapeutic Massage in West Barnstable, Cape Cod

As a licensed massage therapist, I have been bringing healing and relief to people for the last 12 years. My approach combines traditional massage modalities such as Swedish, trigger point therapy, myofascial release, ortho bionomy, and craniosacral therapy, enhanced with my gift of healing and intuition. My clients often comment on how great they feel after, and how long the effects last, and my uncanny ability to “just know” where the problem is.

I also work with people around trauma, trauma release, and everyday stress of life. We hold those things as energy, but also as physical tension and discomfort in the body.

Through alternative healing techniques, I am able to intuitively pinpoint the source of discomfort within the body, while also providing a sense of trust, comfort, and safety to my clients. Within this energy, true magic can happen if we are open to it. Healing is ALLOWED, and all we need to do is be receptive and ready to receive.

The last very important part of the puzzle is feedback to my client. As important as it is for you to feel better, it is also crucial for you to know what is happening, and how to provide care for yourself when you leave your appointment and in between appointments.

Rest assured, I will bring you the best possible treatment tailored to your specific needs and leave you feeling centered, grounded and relieved.